Whales Captivity Research Paper

Words: 674
Pages: 3

Whales should not be held inside captivity in the sea world, although many people believe it is better for the whales it is actually worse for their mental and physical health. For example, since they are intelligent, it is cruel to keep them in captivity since they know what is going on and it is also bad in the case that they are mothers because seaworld has a tendency to separate the calves from their mothers. And it also causes them to be aggressive.

Whales should not be held in sea world because it is cruel to the mothers when they separate the calves from their mothers, For example one time they took a calf away from its mom the mom had tried a new long range vocal that had never been heard by anyone that had worked in sea world in their life, they even brought in professionals to try and examine the vocals. But the only thing that they found out was that the vocals were sounds of grief being made by the mother trying to find her daughter and bring her back home. Another reason its cruel to keep them captive is because they are very intelligent, therefore it's more hurtful to them to keep them locked up since they know they are not supposed to be there. For example, whenever they try to take a whale and put it in the medpool, the whales don't
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The proof for this is the several 911 calls made about trainers being attacked or charged over the many decades that the sea world has been open. It even got so bad that a water park that was partnered with Seaworld had a trainer that died from lack of training and it was a whale from Seaworld. Killer whales are also extremely aggressive since they are being kept in captivity, my evidence for this is video proof of the whales charging the trainers during shows and even trying to crush them with their bodies and slam the trainers against the whales, giving them head trauma for the rest of their