My Mid-Life Quest Learn To Duk Summary

Words: 360
Pages: 2

Gladwell’s theory that 10,000 hours of practice is necessary to master something is accurate. In the article, “My Mid-Life Quest: Learn to Dunk”, Asher Price tells his story about how he trained for a year in order to dunk. The text states, “This is where the New York Knicks have been put through their paces.” After describing that he was decently tall and slightly athletic, Price informs the reader that he was getting training from a professional team, about the best training he could get. After a year of training, he came to the day where he would test his ability. He says, “I couldn’t quite get my hand over the rim. Perhaps if I had tried a thousand more times, like a kid mastering a video game, I would have. But I hadn’t. I failed.” After