Malcolm Vs Macbeth Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Mary Panatera Ms. White AP Lang 4 8 March 2024 Flourishing vs Floundering: Malcolm vs Macbeth In the Broadway show, Newsies, one of the main characters, reporter Katherine Plumber, says, “Being boss doesn’t mean you have all the answers. Just the brains to recognize the right one when you hear it.” She addresses the fact that a leader does not have to be perfect and omniscient, but they do need to make the right decisions for their people. Throughout Macbeth by William Shakespeare, three different kings rise to power in the country of Scotland, but all rule quite differently, ranging from a compassionate and just ruler to an egocentric tyrant. Malcolm, the son of Duncan, is the heir to the throne and flees to England after Macbeth murders his …show more content…
These also further add to the hopeful tone of entering a new era for Scotland. He contrasts his plan for a better future with Macbeth’s rotten past after he sent people away from their homeland. Macbeth tore people apart, whereas Malcolm promises to bring people together; his words create a fresh, renewing tone, as opposed to the brutal rule of Macbeth, allowing the reader to understand the deep contrast between the two kings. Malcolm also uses specific word choice to express his hopeful tone when he says “this and what needful else/That calls upon us, by the grace of Grace/We will perform in measure, time, and place” to further his promises for the future of Scotland (5.9.38-40). Specifically, Malcolm uses inclusive language such as “us” and “we” instead of “me” and “I” to demonstrate the fact that the people are working with the king and that he should be unselfish, as opposed to Macbeth, who only looked out for his self-interest. In addition, through talking about “the grace of Grace,” Malcolm refers to God, adding to the idea that Malcolm will bring stability and grace to his kingdom with God on their