How Is Odysseus A Hero

Words: 609
Pages: 3

Odysseus shows the traits of heroism through his smartness and courage, and so does Rainsford. While some may say that they aren't heroic because of the times where their judgment was wrong, but the numerous times of intelligence and bravery throughout their journey tells us he is a hero. And Odysseus has a whole song written about him and his journey called “holding out for a hero”, so that also adds to why I think Odysseus is a hero.

First, one of the heroic acts Odysseus did was his escape from the siren's deadly song. Knowing the danger his crew was in, he made a smart strategy. And that strategy was filling his crew's ears with wax to resist the siren's song. Additionally, he bound himself to the pole on his ship, showing his determination to overcome obstacles. Odysseus saved himself and his crew. Now something Rainsford did that could compare to Odysseus was when he had all the dogs on him and the two Russian men. What he did to get them off his back was to make a man trap out of vines and an already broken tree and a knife. This mantra was a really
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Despite the low odds, he made a plan to blind the cyclops, which ended up freeing him and his men from being held captive. By using the sheep as a way to escape, Odysseus showed his quick thinking in tight situations. but his decision to reveal his real name seems like a misstep. Something that Rainsford did to relate to what Odysseus did was when on the first night of the hunt he tried to make a really intricate and unfollowable path. He then decided to climb a tall tree and hide in it, but little did he know the smart Russian could follow any type of path and was really good at finding things. The smart Russian knew that Rainsford was hiding in the tree, but he wanted the hunt to be fun, so he left him there and returned. This made Rainsford extremely scared to know the Russians are having fun doing something so