Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

Words: 1476
Pages: 6

Audrey R. Redin Mr. Fox Honors, C.P. English 9 7 March 2024 It Takes Courage to Be Your Own Person The majority of people believe that once the so-called norm is set then they will get judged if they do anything against it. Most people are not passionate enough to show that it is not weird to go against the norm and become who they want to be. Once someone can build up the courage to become who they want to be, whether it is normal or not, then they often find themselves feeling happy and accomplished. This happens in the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury when a few people notice that their society is in the wrong and they need to do something to help themselves escape their society, although the people are quick to realize that it is more …show more content…
Furthermore, Clarise’s classmates are very different from today's average students. Clarise explains that “sometimes I’m ancient”. I’m afraid of children my own age. They kill each other,” (Bradbury 27). In this quote it explains that it is normal for people of Clarise’s age to kill each other, clearly, this is way different from today's society. Clarise does not like to participate in these types of activities with her classmates, she would rather explore nature or find somewhere to sit and people-watch. While doing so, Clarise does get some weird looks and when she tries to start conversations with people she is often ignored however, she is used to it by now and it does not bother her anymore. She enjoys being her own person and doing the things that she likes to do, not what her society tells her to do. Lastly, another group of people that built up the courage to become their own person is the hobos, especially Granger, who is the leader of the